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Srterj CliniCal PeaRl Course of aTn Onset insult Oliguric phase Azotemia and uremiaaverage length to days Urine output to mLday Diuretic phase Begins when urine output is mLday High urine output due to the following fluid overload excretion of retained salt water other solutes that were retained during oliguric phase osmotic diuresis due to retained solutes during oliguric phase tubular cell damage delayed recovery of epithelial cell function relative to GFR Recovery phase recovery of tubular function QuIcK HIT Three basic tests for postrenal failure Physical examination palpate the bladder Ultrasoundlook for obstruction hydronephrosis Catheterlook for large volume of urine QuIcK HIT Diagnosis of aKI is usually made by finding elevated BUN and Cr levels. Prednisoneionimetop 2022-01-28 13:22